Sunday, 17 May 2015

3 ways to fit "me time" into your busy schedule

We often take ourselves for granted. It’s easy to get wrapped up in life…if it’s not family responsibilities that we’re taking care of, it’s work and everything else that we do to make the world go round! There never seems to be enough time in the day, especially when it comes to raising kids…however, I believe where there is a will, there is a way! All it takes is a few minutes here and there to feel refreshed. Here are a few things you can squeeze into your busy schedule to show yourself some love:

1.    Morning breather – If you’re a morning person and you are able to wake up 30 minutes earlier, do so and have a great cup of coffee while you browse Pinterest, do your nails or catch up on your favourite blogs. Make sure to prepare for the next day the night before so you don’t have to worry about it during your “me time”. Try getting to bed 30 minutes earlier, 
perhaps a challenge, but definitely worth it!

2.    Make the most of your lunch break – We often underestimate the importance of a lunch break. But we shouldn’t, there’s a reason why it is required by law! Prioritise yourself and step out of the office. Organise to see a friend for lunch, browse stores or get that mani or pedi!

3.    Aim to get to bed 30 minutes earlier – Often we buzz around the house and before we know it, it’s after 11pm and we rush off to bed. Try setting an alarm 90 minutes before your preferable bed time. Use the first 30 minutes to finish off anything you were busy with, the second 30 minutes to get ready for bed and the last 30 minutes to wind down with that book that you’ve been waiting forever to get to!

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